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  • Noodle King Österreich

    NOODLES KING over 30 times in Austria We only serve authentic dishes to our restaurants sushi Our delicacies from the east Discover now pasta Noodles as they should be Discover now rice Everything revolves around the combinations with rice Discover now Fresh. Authentic. Simple. We bring you the culinary delights of the East Noodle King is proud to be a leading franchise for fast and healthy Asian cuisine in Austria. We attach great importance to the freshness and quality of our ingredients and offer a wide range of Asian dishes. more about us Info order online ​ Our pasta is on its way to you Order now Our restaurants Pasta, rice or sushi, we have them all restaurants Reservierungen follow @noodleking_at Kontakt

  • Restaurants | Noodle King

    Jobs at Noodle King Wien Niederösterreich Steiermark Burgenland Oberösterreich Walfischgasse 4/1C 1010 Vienna Hungarian alley 75 1030 Vienna arcade Meidling 1120 Vienna Billrothstrasse 83 1190 Vienna large field - center 1210 Vienna Wonkaplatz 1 1220 Vienna Bruno-Marek-Allee 13/1 1020 Vienna Wiedner Hauptstrasse 37 1040 Vienna Schönbrunner Strasse 194-196 1120 Vienna Jägerstrasse 69 1200 Vienna COMING SOON 1210 Vienna Lassallestrasse 42 1020 Vienna Waehringer Strasse 14 1090 Vienna Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 6 1130 Vienna center 2 1 1210 Vienna kagran 1 K1 1220 Vienna COMING SOON 1030 Vienna Favorite Street 130 1100 Vienna Mariahilfer belt 1 1150 Vienna Frauenstiftgasse 12A 1210 Vienna center 23 1230 Vienna COMING SOON 1030 Vienna grill alley 4 1110 Vienna Gersthofer market 1180 Vienna B7 Stammersdorf 1210 Vienna Office Park Allee 4 1300 airport Trieste street 371 8055 Graz Trieste street 371 8055 Graz ECE Kapfenberg 8605 Kapfenberg COMING SOON 7111 Parndorf COMING SOON 7111 Parndorf COMING SOON 7540 Güssing COMING SOON 4020 Linz COMING SOON 4020 Linz main square 12 2020 Hollabrunn City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg Matthias Corvinus Street 28 3100 St. Poelten City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg main square 12 2020 Hollabrunn COMING SOON 2351 Wr. Neudorf City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg center cloud village 2120 Wolkersdorf City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg Matthias Corvinus Street 28 3100 St. Poelten Main Street 190/7 2231 Strasshof City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg City Center Herzogenburg 3130 Herzogenburg EKZ Schwechat 2320 Schwechat COMING SOON 3830 Thaya Matthias Corvinus Street 28 3100 St. Poelten

  • Cookies | Noodle King

    Cookie Policy 1. What is a cookie? A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded onto your computer when users access certain websites. Typically, cookies enable a website to recognize a user's computer. ​ The most important thing to know about the cookies placed by Wix is that they make our website a little more user-friendly, e.g. B. by storing website preferences and language settings. 2. Why do we use cookies? We may use cookies and similar technologies for different purposes, such as: i) for security and fraud protection and to detect and prevent cyber-attacks; ii) to be able to provide selected services; iii) to monitor and analyze the performance, operation and effectiveness of our Services and iv) to improve user experience. 3. Cookie overview: Here is an overview of which cookies can be used on Wix websites. 4. Options: To learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage, delete and block them, we recommend . Alternatively, it is also possible for the browser to block cookies in general. To do this, users must change the cookie settings in their browser accordingly. These settings are usually located in the browser menu under "Options" or "Preferences". Deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may result in certain areas or features of our Services becoming unavailable or otherwise impacting the user experience. The following links may be useful, or alternatively the "Help" option in the browser. ​ Cookie settings in Firefox Cookie settings in Internet Explorer Cookie settings in Google Chrome Cookie settings in Safari (OS X) Cookie settings in Safari (iOS) Cookie settings in Android ​ To refuse and prevent the use of your own data by Google Analytics on all websites, the following instructions exist: We may update this cookie policy. We encourage users to visit this page periodically to keep up to date with the latest on our use of cookies.

  • Impressum | Noodle King

    imprint Informationspflicht laut §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmesgesetzbuch, §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht laut §25 Mediengesetz. ​ ​ WGX Noodle King GmbH Donaufelder Straße 61/1-2 AT-1210 Wien ​ ​ Unternehmesgegenstand: reglementiertes Gewerbe UID-Nummer: ATU 73091469 GISA: 30926226 Firmenbuchnummer: 486741x Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien Firmensitz: politischer Gemeinde Wien ​ Tel.: +43 676 3626158 E-Mail: ​ Mitglied bei: WKO Wien Berufsrecht: Gewerbeordnung: Aufsichtsbehörde/Gewerbebehörde: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Wien ​ Vertreten durch Geschäftsführer: Xinmiao Xu Prokuristin: Chunli Wu ​ Beteiligungsverhältnisse Gesellschafter Shuwei Gao (25%), Chunfeng Wu (25%), Xinmiao Xu (25%), Chun Wu (25%) ​ Kontaktdaten des Verantwortlichen für Datenschutz Sollten Sie Fragen zum Datenschutz haben, finden Sie nachfolgend die Kontaktdaten der verantwortlichen Person bzw. Stelle: ​ WGX Noodle King GmbH Donaufelder Straße 61/1-2, 1210 Wien, Österreich Vertretungsberechtigt: Chunli Wu E-Mail: Telefon: +43 676 3626158 Impressum: ​ EU-Streitschlichtung Gemäß Verordnung über Online-Streitbeilegung in Verbraucherangelegenheiten (ODR-Verordnung) möchten wir Sie über die Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform (OS-Plattform) informieren. Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, Beschwerden an die Online Streitbeilegungsplattform der Europäischen Kommission unter zu richten. Die dafür notwendigen Kontaktdaten finden Sie oberhalb in unserem Impressum. Wir möchten Sie jedoch darauf hinweisen, dass wir nicht bereit oder verpflichtet sind, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen. ​ Haftung für Inhalte dieser Website Wir entwickeln die Inhalte dieser Website ständig weiter und bemühen uns korrekte und aktuelle Informationen bereitzustellen. Leider können wir keine Haftung für die Korrektheit aller Inhalte auf dieser Website übernehmen, speziell für jene, die seitens Dritter bereitgestellt wurden. Als Diensteanbieter sind wir nicht verpflichtet, die von ihnen übermittelten oder gespeicherten Informationen zu überwachen oder nach Umständen zu forschen, die auf eine rechtswidrige Tätigkeit hinweisen. ​ Unsere Verpflichtungen zur Entfernung von Informationen oder zur Sperrung der Nutzung von Informationen nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen aufgrund von gerichtlichen oder behördlichen Anordnungen bleiben auch im Falle unserer Nichtverantwortlichkeit davon unberührt. ​ Sollten Ihnen problematische oder rechtswidrige Inhalte auffallen, bitte wir Sie uns umgehend zu kontaktieren, damit wir die rechtswidrigen Inhalte entfernen können. Sie finden die Kontaktdaten im Impressum. ​ Haftung für Links auf dieser Website Unsere Website enthält Links zu anderen Websites für deren Inhalt wir nicht verantwortlich sind. Haftung für verlinkte Websites besteht für uns nicht, da wir keine Kenntnis rechtswidriger Tätigkeiten hatten und haben, uns solche Rechtswidrigkeiten auch bisher nicht aufgefallen sind und wir Links sofort entfernen würden, wenn uns Rechtswidrigkeiten bekannt werden. ​ Wenn Ihnen rechtswidrige Links auf unserer Website auffallen, bitte wir Sie uns zu kontaktieren. Sie finden die Kontaktdaten im Impressum. ​ Urheberrechtshinweis Alle Inhalte dieser Webseite (Bilder, Fotos, Texte, Videos) unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Bitte fragen Sie uns bevor Sie die Inhalte dieser Website verbreiten, vervielfältigen oder verwerten wie zum Beispiel auf anderen Websites erneut veröffentlichen. Falls notwendig, werden wir die unerlaubte Nutzung von Teilen der Inhalte unserer Seite rechtlich verfolgen. ​ Sollten Sie auf dieser Webseite Inhalte finden, die das Urheberrecht verletzen, bitten wir Sie uns zu kontaktieren. ​ Bildernachweis Die Bilder, Fotos und Grafiken auf dieser Webseite sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die Bilderrechte liegen bei den folgenden Fotografen und Unternehmen: Fotograf Michael Chuop Fotograf Filipe Costa Shutterstock Medien WIX Unternehmen WGX Noodle King GmbH

  • Speisen | Noodle King

    Jobs at Noodle King Achieving great things together - Apply now for your future. Allergenliste

  • App | Noodle King

    Eine App, viele Köstlichkeiten Keine Lust auf lange Wartezeiten? Teste unsere neue App und bestelle ganz bequem vor und lauf an der Warteschlange vorbei!

  • Franchisepartner | Noodle King

    Systematic franchising in Austria Achieving more together thanks to franchise Apply now "None of us is as good as all of us" - Ray Kroc Partnership Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Have we sparked your interest in franchise gastronomy? Please see the Franchise Brochure for more information on requirements, procedures and everything about the Noodle King Franchise System brochure Apply now

  • Karriere mit Lehre | Noodle King

    Career with apprenticeship Training with future prospects - that's what an apprenticeship at Noodle King offers you vacancies your area of responsibility You represent the face of our restaurants: you welcome our guests with a warm smile at the checkout. You prepare delicious drinks and desserts and put together the orders for the table or drive service. You attach great importance to the satisfaction of our guests and always strive to offer them an unforgettable experience Individual duty times Our working time model is flexible and takes your private life into account. School and job can be perfectly reconciled. Reasons to work at Noodle King

  • Bewerbungsformular Franchise | Noodle King

    Application form franchise Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut We are hiring First name E-mail address start date Last name phone Link to CV/XING/LinkedIn Federal State letter of application Apply Thanks! We'll get in touch.

  • Über uns | Noodle King

    We are Noodle King Austria Noodle King is an Asian restaurant franchise based in Austria. Our 21 franchisees currently operate 32 restaurants and employ around 300 people. We specialize in Asian dishes, including noodle and rice dishes, as well as sushi. Noodle King is a popular choice for anyone looking for a quick and tasty meal. 2009 2010 2017 2018 2020 2021 2022 1st branch In 2009 we opened our first Noodle King branch in 1200 Vienna, Jägerstraße pasta factory A year later we started our own pasta production, which not only supplies Noodle King, but also numerous other companies. rebranding In 2017 we started the rebranding project, which is still ongoing today. There are still locations in the old design. Noodle King goes delivery Together with our delivery service partners, we also deliver our delicacies to our customers at home or at work. Branch #30 We are proud to present the 30th Noodle King branch in Austria. Noodle King goes Austria In 2018 the first Noodle King was opened outside of Vienna. This is the location in Kapfenberg. Noodle King at the airport In 2021 we opened our flagship restaurant in Office Park 4, at the airport.

  • Bewerbungsformular | offene Stellen | Noodle King

    application form Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut We are hiring First name E-mail address position Federal State Last name phone start date Link to CV/XING/LinkedIn letter of application Apply Thanks! We'll get in touch.

  • Datenschutz | Noodle King

    data protection Status: 29.10.2020 ​ ​ Introduction We ("we", "us", "our") are committed to protecting the privacy of users ("User" or "you") of our website and/or mobile app (the "Website" or " Mobile App”) very seriously and we are committed to protecting the information that users provide to us in connection with the use of our Website and/or our Mobile App (collectively: “Digital Assets”). Furthermore, we are committed to protecting and using your information in accordance with applicable law. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information through the use of our digital assets (the "Services") when you access the Services through your devices. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully and ensure you fully understand our practices regarding your information before using our Services. If you have read and fully understood this policy and do not agree with our practices, you must stop using our digital assets and services. By using our services, you accept the terms of this privacy policy. Continued use of the Services constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and any changes thereto. In this privacy policy you will learn: How we collect data What data we collect Why we collect this data Who we share the data with Where the data is stored How long the data is retained How we protect the data How we deal with minors Updates or changes to the Privacy Policy ​ ​ What data do we collect? Category: Always Below is an overview of the data we may collect: Unidentified and non-identifiable information that you provide during the registration process or that is collected through the use of our Services ("Non-Personally Identifiable Information"). Non-personal data do not allow any conclusions as to who collected them. Non-Personally Identifiable Information that we collect consists primarily of technical and aggregate usage information. Individually identifiable information, meaning anything from which you can be identified or could be identified with reasonable effort (“Personal Information”). The Personal Information we collect through our Services may include information requested from time to time, such as names, email addresses, addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses and more. If we combine personal information with non-personal information, we treat it as personal information for as long as it is combined. ​ ​ How do we collect data? Category: Always Below are the main methods we use to collect data: We collect data when you use our services. Therefore, when you visit our digital assets and use the Services, we may collect, record and store usage, sessions and related information. We collect data that you provide to us yourself, for example if you contact us directly via a communication channel (e.g. an e-mail with a comment or feedback). We may collect information from third party sources as described below. We collect information that you provide to us when you log into our Services through a third party such as Facebook or Google. ​ ​ Why do we collect this data? Category: Always We may use your data for the following purposes: to provide and operate our Services; to develop, customize and improve our Services; to respond to your feedback, requests and requests and to offer assistance; to analyze request and usage patterns; for other internal, statistical and research purposes; to improve our data security and fraud prevention capabilities; to investigate violations and enforce our terms and policies and to comply with applicable law, regulation or governmental request; to provide you with updates, news, promotional materials and other information related to our Services. In the case of promotional e-mails, you can decide for yourself whether you wish to continue to receive them. If not, just click the unsubscribe link in those emails. ​ ​ Who do we share this data with? Category: Always We may share your data with our service providers in order to operate our services (e.g. storing data via third-party hosting services, providing technical support, etc.). We may also disclose your information in the following circumstances: (i) to investigate, detect, prevent, or address unlawful activity or other wrongdoing; (ii) to establish or exercise our rights of defense; (iii) to protect our rights, property, or personal safety, or the safety of our users or the public; (iv) in the event of a change of control of us or any of our affiliated companies (by way of a merger, acquisition or purchase of (substantially) all assets, etc.); (v) to collect, hold and/or manage your data using authorized third party service providers (e.g. cloud service providers) as appropriate for business purposes; (vi) to work collaboratively with third parties to improve your user experience. To avoid misunderstandings, we would like to point out that we can transfer or pass on non-personal data to third parties or use them in any other way at our own discretion. Category: User has a blog or forum Please note that our Services enable social interactions (e.g. posting content, information and comments publicly and chatting with other users). We remind you that any content or data that you make available in these areas can be read, collected and used by other people. We do not recommend posting or sharing information that you do not want to make public. If you upload content to our digital assets or otherwise make it available as part of using any service, you do so at your own risk. We cannot control the actions of other users or members of the public with access to your data or content. You acknowledge and hereby acknowledge that copies of your data may remain accessible even after deletion on cached and archived pages or after a third party has made a copy/storage of your content. Cookies and Similar Technologies When you visit or access our Services, we authorize third parties to use web beacons, cookies, pixel tags, scripts, and other technologies and analytics services ("Tracking Technologies"). These Tracking Technologies may enable third parties to collect your information automatically in order to improve the browsing experience on our digital assets, to optimize their performance and to ensure a customized user experience, as well as for security and fraud prevention purposes. To learn more about this, please read our cookie policy. Category: The user is NOT affiliated with an advertising service We will not share your email address or other personally identifiable information with any advertising company or advertising network without your consent. ​ ​ Category: The user is connected to an advertising service, a campaign manager or to Facebook Ads We may provide advertising, which may also be tailored to you, through our Services and our digital assets (including websites and applications that use our Services), such as: B. Ads based on your recent browsing behavior on websites, devices or browsers. In order to serve these advertisements to you, we may use cookies and/or JavaScript and/or web beacons (including clear GIFs) and/or HTML5 local storage and/or other technologies. We may also use third parties such as B. Network advertisers (ie third parties who serve ads based on your website visits) to serve targeted ads. Third-party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or website traffic measurement services may also use cookies and/or JavaScript and/or web beacons (including clear GIFs) and/or Flash cookies and/or other technologies to improve effectiveness measure your ads and customize ad content for you. These third party cookies and other technologies are governed by the specific privacy policy of the third party and not this one. ​ ​ Where do we store the data? Category: Always Non-Personally Identifiable Information Please note that our companies and our trusted partners and service providers are located around the world. For the purposes explained in this Privacy Policy, we store and process all non-personal data that we collect in different jurisdictions. ​ ​ Category: User collects personal data Personal Data Personal information may be maintained, processed and stored in the United States, Ireland, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel and other jurisdictions to the extent required for the proper provision of our Services and/or by law (as further explained below). ​ ​ How long is the data retained? Category: Always Please note that we retain the information we collect for as long as is necessary to provide our services, comply with our legal and contractual obligations to you, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. We can correct, supplement or delete incorrect or incomplete data at any time at our own discretion. ​ ​ How do we protect the data? Category: Always The hosting service for our digital assets provides us with the online platform through which we can offer our services to you. Your data may be stored through our hosting provider's data storage, databases and general applications. It stores your data on secure servers behind a firewall, and it offers secure HTTPS access to most areas of its services. ​ ​ Category: User accepts payments/eCom All payment options offered by us and our hosting provider for our digital assets comply with the regulations of the PCI-DSS (data security standard of the credit card industry) of the PCI Security Standards Council (council for security standards of the credit card industry). This is a collaboration between brands such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card data (including physical, electronic, and procedural controls) by our store and service providers. ​ ​ Category: Always Notwithstanding the measures and efforts taken by us and our hosting provider, we cannot and do not guarantee the absolute privacy or security of any information you upload, post or otherwise disclose to us or others. For this reason, we would like to ask you to set strong passwords and, if possible, not to transmit to us or others confidential information, the disclosure of which you believe could cause serious or lasting harm to you. In addition, since email and instant messaging are not considered secure forms of communication, we ask that you do not share any confidential information through any of these communication channels. ​ ​ How do we deal with minors? Category: User does NOT collect data from minors The Services are not intended for users who have not yet reached the legal age of majority. We will not knowingly collect information from children. If you are under the age of majority, you should not download or use the Services or provide any information to us. We reserve the right to request proof of age at any time so that we can verify that minors are using our Services. In the event that we become aware that a minor is using our Services, we may block or block access to our Services for such users and we may delete any information we hold about that user. If you have reason to believe that a minor has provided us with information, please contact us as set out below. ​ ​ Category: User collects data from minors Children can use our services. However, if you want access to certain features, you may be required to provide certain information. Collection of some information (including information collected via cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies) may be automatic. If we knowingly collect, use or disclose any information collected from a child, we will provide notice and obtain parental consent in accordance with applicable law. We do not condition a child's participation in an online activity to the child providing more contact information than is reasonably necessary to participate in that activity. We only use the information we collect in connection with the services that the child has requested. We may also use a parent's contact information to communicate about the child's activities on the Services. Parents can see information we have collected from their child, prohibit us from collecting any more information about their child, and request that all information we have collected be deleted from our records. Please contact us to view, update or delete your child's information. To protect your child, we may ask you to provide proof of your identity. We can deny you access to the data if we believe that your identity is in question. Please note that certain data cannot be deleted due to other legal obligations. ​ ​ Category: Always We will only use your personal information for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy and only when we are satisfied that: the use of your personal information is necessary to perform or enter into a contract (e.g. to provide you with the Services themselves or to provide customer or technical support); the use of your personal data is necessary to comply with a relevant legal or regulatory obligation, or the use of your personal information is necessary to support our legitimate business interests (provided that we do so at all times in a way that is proportionate and respects your privacy rights). As an EU resident you can: request confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and request access to your stored personal data and certain additional information; request to receive personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format; request rectification of your personal data held by us; request the erasure of your personal data; object to our processing of your personal data; request the restriction of the processing of your personal data, or lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. However, please note that these rights are not absolute and may be subject to our own legitimate interests and regulatory requirements. If you have general questions about the personal information we collect and how we use it, please contact us as provided below. In the course of providing the Services, we may transfer information across borders to affiliates or other third parties and from your country/jurisdiction to other countries/jurisdictions around the world. By using the Services, you consent to the transfer of your information outside of the EEA. If you are a resident of the EEA, your personal data will only be transferred to locations outside the EEA where we are satisfied that an adequate or comparable level of protection of personal data is in place. We will take appropriate steps to ensure that we have appropriate contractual arrangements in place with our third parties to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to minimize the risk of unlawful use, alteration, destruction, loss or theft of your personal information and that such third parties will act in accordance with applicable laws at all times. California Consumer Protection Law Rights If you are using the Services as a California resident, you may have rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") to request access to and deletion of your information. To exercise your right to access and delete your data, please see below how to contact us. ​ ​ Category: The site does not sell any data of its users We do not sell users' personally identifiable information for the intent and purposes of the CCPA. ​ ​ Category: Websites with a Blog or Forum Users of the Services who are California residents and under the age of 18 may request and obtain removal of their posted content by emailing the address provided in the "Contact Us" section below. These requests must all be labeled "California Removal Request." All requests must include a description of the content you wish to remove and information sufficient to enable us to locate the material. We will not accept communications that are unidentified or improperly submitted, and we may not be able to respond if you do not provide sufficient information. Please note that your request does not ensure that the material will be completely or comprehensively deleted. For example, material you post may be republished or reposted by other users or third parties. ​ ​ Updates or changes to the Privacy Policy Category: Always We may, in our sole discretion, revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, the version posted on the Website will always be current (see “As of Date” statement). We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy for changes. If there are any significant changes, we will post a notice on our website. Your continued use of the Services after notification of changes has been posted to our website constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of the changes to the Privacy Policy and your agreement to be bound by the terms of those changes. ​ ​ Contact Category: Always If you have general questions about the Services or the information we collect about you and how we use it, please contact us at: Surname: Address: E-mail address: ​ ​ DISCLAIMER The information contained herein is not a substitute for legal advice and you should not rely on it alone. Specific requirements related to legal terms and policies may differ from state to state and/or jurisdiction to jurisdiction. As set out in our Terms of Service, you are responsible for ensuring that your Services are legal under the law that applies to you and that you comply with them. To ensure you are fully compliant with your legal obligations, we strongly encourage you to seek professional advice to better understand which requirements are specific to you.

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